Employment Tribunal Support & Assistance
Tribunal SOS offers a value for money service to employees, workers or contractors experiencing problems with their employer. We have extensive experience of the employment tribunal courts and are able to provide advice and guidance acting as a behind the scenes support to ensure you can confidently manage your claim and it is professionally presented. We aim to give you real results acting as a powerful ally without the need to pay for expensive solicitor advice and representation..
Before you consider submitting an employment tribunal claim, however, we would strongly urge you to try and resolve your employment issue with your employer. We can give you detailed advice and guidance on what to do. You may need to submit a grievance or appeal against a disciplinary situation or dismissal for example in which case we can give guidance. We know how your employer should manage these situations and if they are failing in this regard in which case this can be challenged.
• Unfair dismissal
• Constructive dismissal
• Discrimination due to gender, race, disability, age, gender re-assignment, religious belief, sexual orientation, marriage/civil partnership, pregnancy
• Unlawful deductions
• Denial of a contractual payment eg salary, bonus, commission
• Being paid less than a colleague of the opposite sex for doing the same job - equal value claim
• Unfair selection for redundancy
• Unfair redundancy dismissal
• Being treated unfairly because you are pregnant or on maternity leave
• Experiencing problems following a business transfer (TUPE) such as having your terms and conditions changed detrimentally or been made redundant after a TUPE transfer
If you can not resolve your employment issue and wish to make an employment tribunal claim we can give advice on what to do. Following an initial consultation and a confidential examination of your paperwork we will provide guidance on the likelihood of success and what to do next. .
We can advise on claim form (ET1) preparation, how to deal with employment tribunal correspondence, how to prepare all the documents for your employment tribunal claim, how to prepare for a case management review, pre hearing review or full tribunal hearing.
If you wish we can prepare your paperwork as a behind the scenes resource. You will have everything you need to successfully represent your claim. Unfortuately as we are not now licensed by the Ministry of Justice to represent claimants we can not be your representative in an employment tribunal hearing. However working as a behind the scenes resource we offer the next best thing. We can work with you over the phone, by email and via Zoom/Microsoft Teams. You can be assured of confidently handling the process yourself with our hidden support. .
Be aware that if you are considering submitting an employment tribunal claim it carries a finite deadline. This is usually three months less a day from the date of when the event happened eg dismissal. If you miss that you miss your chance forever of achieving a resolution. You should therefore not delay in seeking advice quickly. You should also not delay if your employer is not responding to your appeal or complaint about how they have handled your situation - you should take action to progress a claim. We offer a confidential no obligation chat to discuss your situation. Seize the moment or lose the chance!
Tribunal SOS is a trading name of SJ Beale HR Consult Ltd link to our website
For a no obligation chat please call 07762 771290.
Contact us:
Address: Tribunal SOS, c/o SJ Beale HR Consult Ltd, Moulton Park Business Centre, Moulton Park, Northampton, NN3 6AQ
Tel: 07762 771290
Email: info@tribunalsos.co.uk